5 Important Features in an Effective Buddy Program

No one can deny the merit and benefits of an onboarding buddy program. Yes, it’s the same program that we are all familiar with even if we have not gone through it ourselves. 

For an onboarding buddy program to work, you’ll need to pair a new hire with an onboarding buddy who is well versed with the company culture and processes – end of story, right?

Well, not quite. The concept of a buddy program may seem simple but it needs to be structured and intentional for it to truly be effective. To do so, include these 5 must-haves in your buddy program.

1.  Find the RIGHT onboarding buddy

Pairing the new hire with the RIGHT onboarding buddy is vital to the program’s success. The onboarding buddy is the new hire’s point of contact. Someone they can ask those “water cooler”questions and have casual conversations with. They are also the new hire’s guide to the unwritten rules and networking opportunities at the company. Below is a guideline on the onboarding buddy selection.

Adjustments: Like some of us, you may not have many options when it comes to finding an onboarding buddy. In some instances, you may only have one option. And that’s alright. The key to success here is to ensure that the onboarding buddy is set up with the right training and resources. Hence, the program design and structure will be even more important in these situations.

2. Identify the program lead to Design the structure

Who is responsible for driving the program? Who is the support for all the active participants? And who is collecting feedback to further improve the program?

As mentioned earlier, an effective buddy program is a structured and intentional one. So there needs to be a dedicated person who is going to oversee the design and implement the program. For this reason, it’s essential to identify a program lead.

Is the onboarding buddy program part of an Human Resources (HR) initiative? Is it part of a departmental initiative? Whichever it is, there needs to be a centralized person/team who is setting the parameters. Check out some examples of the roles and responsibilities for the people involved must-have #4 below. 

3. Benefits everyone

The onboarding buddy program is often initiated to ensure a smooth onboarding experience for the new hires and by extension, the hiring managers. Consequently, the benefit for the onboarding buddy is often either overlooked or not built into the program. That should not be the case. In order for the onboarding buddy program to be effective, scalable and last – the “what’s in it for me” factor must be considered and built in the program for everyone.

4. Clearly define roles and responsibilities at the beginning – who’s doing what?

When it comes to onboarding a new hire, a lot of people are involved with many moving pieces. However, even with good intentions we might be duplicating efforts.

As a result, it is important to be transparent with everyone’s roles and responsibilities right at the beginning. Also there needs to be a thoughtful emphasis in differentiating the hiring manager’s role and the onboarding buddy’s role.

Activities such as coaching, performance review or simply preparing the new hire’s desk are the manager’s responsibilities. Whereas the onboarding buddy’s role focuses more on social networking, psychological safety, and company knowledge. Having those clear guidelines from the beginning will further support the key aspect mentioned above – that this program benefits all.

Check out the roles and responsibilities table below.

5. Easy Access to onboarding info and resources

One of the worst ways to on board a new hire is providing inconsistent or incorrect information. So it’s important to understand where the new hires are getting their information. In most cases, from their hiring manager and onboarding buddy. 

For this reason, it is helpful to make sure that the hiring manager and the onboarding buddy have the same information. For example, where can hiring managers and onboarding buddies find the onboarding to-do list? In addition, are there technical training resources or job aids that new hires need to learn? If so, do hiring managers and onboarding buddies have access?

A community forum or an intranet site are great places to store onboarding information.

In addition, a community forum where hiring managers and onboarding buddies can connect with each other and post questions/advice is a great way to build a network and camaraderie. 

Buddy program is an effective way to on board your new hires. So whether you are implementing it from a team or organization level, keep these 5 must-haves in mind in your next buddy program.

2 thoughts on “5 Important Features in an Effective Buddy Program”

  1. Pingback: Meet and Greets: The Best Tip to Build Lasting Relationships

  2. Pingback: 4 Critical Elements for a Great Onboarding Experience

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